Saturday, 15 May 2010

First Battle of St. Albans 1455 - AAR

Gentlemen, we are indeed fortunate to have an After Action Report from an independent and totally impartial reporter who witnessed the battle on Thursday.


Hostiles have broken out !! The unwashed Scottish hordes (Dave Ireland) in the pay of the unscrupulous Lancastrians sneaked (like thieves in the night) past the blocking forces along Hadrian's Wall and descended on the peaceful town of St Albans. Chasing behind them eager to bring them to battle came the god fearing (Yorkist) forces of Northumberland (Dave Hathaway). As both sides deployed on either side of the town it looked like a blood bath was to ensue.
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Dave H had however became increasingly concerned at the collateral damage and risk of injury to innocent civilians that would be caused by him defeating the Scots amongst the tightly packed houses.
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The true Noble that he is, Dave H opted therefore to conceded ground to the unwashed hordes and situated his army outside the town.
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Sadly adopting such a strategy put him at such a tactical disadvantage that after the loss of two minor units he felt it prudent to leave the battlefield in good order, conceding a Minor Victory to the Lancastrian cowards in the process.

Senior Reporter at the Yorkist Times.

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